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Lottery System |
"After 10½ Years Of Painstaking Research and Testing, A 62 Year Old Mathematics Professor Has Finally Cracked-The-Code To Winning More Money, More Often, Playing Lotto, And He's Now Making This Amazing System Available TO YOU AND JUST 274 OTHER OTHER PEOPLE ONLY"
Dear ,
What could be more exciting than watching TV and knowing that when the last Lotto ball drops into place that it's going to make you a millionaire?
What could be more rewarding than knowing when the final Lotto ball takes its place along all the other numbers that your financial future is secure at last?
What could be better than knowing that when you're a Lotto winner…you're a BIG winner because you'll never have to work again?
When you've got the "magic numbers," you can pay for all of life's necessities
Buy a home or pay off your mortgage
Take care of all your remaining car payments (and maybe get a second car!)
Have money for your children's education …and still have plenty left over for all the fun life has to offer
Incredible vacations
High-powered sports cars
Luxury cruises
Homes around the world
Gourmet meals at the finest restaurants
A lifetime of travel…
These are the dreams that millions and millions of Lotto players have each week. Players from Bangor, Maine to Bangkok, Thailand; from Paris Texas to Paris France, all cross their fingers and "pin" their dreams to numbers that they've selected by luck, hope, or pure superstition.
It's no wonder their dreams stay dreams.
Luck, hope, and superstition may work in the movies, but in real life, it's better to have a plan.
Well, don't despair, and don't give up, because now there is a way that you can cut those odd down by thousands of times so that you'll start winning more cash prizes every time you play.
Here's what it's all about:
Now, I'm a keen Lotto player, and have been playing most of the Lotto games of one kind or another for at least 20 years. Probably longer.
6 from 40 Lotto...6 from 36 Pools.... 'Golden Casket'.... 'Powerball'... Mega Millions and the list goes on and on. You name it, I've probably played it.
When I first started playing I selected all my numbers by writing them out on small pieces of paper, putting them all into a jar, then picking them one-by-one and writing them onto my Lotto cards.....
....Real 'Scientific' eh!
I was playing different numbers each week and, on average, I would invest about $30.00 a week playing Lotto using my..... 'scientific' number selection system.
The only time I invested more was when there was a big prize pool, and then I'd usually double that to $60.00.
Now, in all the years I continued to play using random numbers, can you guess how much I won. A grand total of..... $298.90.
From my 'pick the number out of the jar method', I graduated to picking my numbers by choosing birthdays.... anniversaries.... children's ages, that type of thing. I did that because it seemed to me that most of the Lotto winners I was hearing about always stuck with the same numbers, and those numbers usually seemed to be birthdays... anniversaries..... etc.
But, even doing it that way my win results were about the same .............. BAD!
Now, I'm a bit of a numbers person, so one day I thought that I'd just work out how much I 'really' had spent in one year playing Lotto.
When I'd finished adding up the numbers, the blood drained from my face, because there it was in black and white..... I'd spent.....
...$2,297.00 In One Year Playing Lotto.
But that wasn't the worst of it. My Lotto 'winnings' for that same year were .....wait for it........$21.00. (Why don't you try that exercise? Go back and add up what you've spent and what you've won playing Lotto. I'm sure you'll feel as sick as I did when you add up the numbers)
With those figures pounding at my insides, I began a quest to find a system for playing Lotto that would increase my chances of winning. Despite my exhaustive search, I found all of the so called 'systems that were around were still never any better than just depending on pure luck.
The popular Lotto systems I investigated like the various 'wheeling' systems, only get winners because of the shear number of players that get involved. But your chances as an individual of winning are no better that zero.
Other systems were so complex to use, that you'd have to be Einstein to figure out how to use them.
I even bought a system that promised I would...." Win $20,000 a month manipulating the lottery systems".
I'm embarrassed to say ....I paid money to that person for that so called 'system'. But I wanted to did want to look at everything.
Despite all my investigations and searching, and after spending $1,150.00 actually buying these systems to test, I'd gotten absolutely nowhere, and I began to believe that there was no truly workable and effective Lotto system available anywhere.
That was until I met 'Professor Robert'
Now, Professor Robert is not his real name, but because he works at a major University as a Professor of Mathematics, if his real name ever got out, his career at the University could be jeopardised. So I promised him faithfully that I would never reveal his real name.
Anyway, I met Professor Robert really by accident.
I happened to be at the University the Professor works at doing some research for a marketing course I was writing.
I went to have lunch in the University's bistro and when I walked in I noticed a grey haired man sitting at the end of one of the long tables. He had a few books open an was feverishly typing into his laptop computer.
I finished getting my lunch, and thought that I'd go and sit next to him, because I felt like a bit of conversation and I was curious about what he was doing.
Unfortunately, he wasn't much interested in conversation, so I just sat quietly, finished my lunch, and decided to pull out my Lotto cards to write in my numbers for the week.
Then, 'out of the blue' he looked up at me and said......
....." Oh...You Play The Lotto, Do You?"
I said....'Yes...... I play every week'. And with that he handed me two pieces of paper and said, 'use these number'. And with that he packed up his books, got up and left.
At the time I had no idea who this person was, but I thought.....why not. I certainly couldn't do any worse that what I was. So I started reading what he had given me.
On piece of paper was a page of tables that had boxes with numbers written in each box. On the other was a page of what looked like handwritten instructions.
As I began to read, I realized that what he 'd given me was some sort of formula for selecting Lotto numbers.
He had written down six very specific rules that I had to follow to select my numbers and they had to be followed to the letter. Which I did.
All up it took me about ten minutes to take the numbers he had given me and to plot them onto my Lotto coupon. When I finished I took them down to my usual Lotto agency, paid my money and forgot about them.
What happened a few day later absolutely stunned me, because when I checked my numbers off on the night of the draw. I'd won $123.50.
I couldn't believe it!
My first thought was that it was just a fluke, but over the next 9 weeks, using the same numbers I won a total of $432.85.
Now, you could be thinking to yourself ...'big deal.... four hundred bucks in two months. That's not much' . But the point is......
.....I Was Winning Consistently.
And that had never happened to me before in all my years of playing Lotto.
But I wanted more. I had to find out more about the formula that this guy had given me. The problem was, I didn't have a clue who he was, or where he came from. So I went back to the University and started to ask around. It turned out that this person was actually a Professor of Mathematics and lectured at the University part-time.
Luckily, I was able to find out his name and get his phone number, so I called him, explained who I was (fortunately he remembered me) and made an appointment to see him at his home.
When I arrived, his wife showed me into his study. We'll, talk about walking into a 'time warp' , there he was behind his desk surround by books and papers. The only spare space not taken up with papers were the walls, because they were covered with his Diplomas and Degrees in Mathematics from Universities and Colleges all over the world.
When we got talking, he spoke about his lifelong passion for Mathematics and how his greatest challenge was to devise a workable 'formula' that could be used to significantly increase the odds of winning at the game of Lotto.
In fact the Professor had spent nine-and-a-half years of his life relentlessly researching and testing his theories until he came up with the formula he gave to me.
Of course, the next question I asked him was.... 'how successful had his formula been for him during his tests over the past nine years'.
Well, his eyes lit up, and he said, ''I've had......
.... 6 numbers win - 5 times:
.... 5 numbers win - 24 times
.... 4 numbers win - 78 times
.... 3 numbers win - 269 times
To put all that another way, the Professors winning success rate over nine years stands at an astonishing....79.65%.
That sort of winning percentage is like going to the Lotto agent 10 times and bringing back winnings 7 of those times.
Now, have you had anything like that win rate playing your Lotto game over the past 10 years?
I'll bet you haven't!
I know I haven't.
What was even more surprising was that during all those years of researching and testing the Professor never once invested any money himself in any game of Lotto or Lottery.
All he did was to monitor, analyze and tabulate the results of sixty five Lotto, Powerball, Mega Millions and Euro Millions games each week from eight different countries.
Now, given the success rate of his system, just think for minute how much money the professor would have won had he actually put down his money on the numbers he played.
Well, I actually tried to work that out, and according to my fairly crude calculations, using the Lotto games he played and taking an average of the divisional wins, I estimate in the past 10 years, he would have won at least...
..... $2,700,000.00
How would you feel missing out on that ?.
Makes you feel sick...doesn't it
Anyway, that's past history, and beside I didn't tell the Professor how much he could have won. I wouldn't be that cruel!.
Then I asked the professor if he had considered offering his system to the public for some real world testing. The problem was he didn't want to sell his system to anyone, under any circumstances. He just wanted to keep working, testing and fine tuning his formula himself to try to improving his winning 79.65% percentage.
But I wasn't going to give up easily and after more than an hour of negotiations, we finally came to an agreement.
He agreed to let me offer his 'Formula 1 Lotto System' software (that's the name we both chose for the system) to just 250 members of the public.
So, to do that I created a website similar to this one, and sold all 250 copies of the Professor's 'Formula 1 Lotto System' software in just 25 days.
Not only did I sell all 250 copies of the 'Formula 1 Lotto System' software, but I also ended up with long list of people who wanted me to put then on an 'advanced notification list' so that they would be first in line IF another release of the software was going to happen.
Well.... what I thought would probably never happen again...... HAS happened...